The whole system of products national authoritative certification advantage: to build the core competitiveness of enterprises carnival to welcome New Year's
Release time:2024-01-13 14:12:29

Vigorously developing green building materials is one of the important ways to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality, and it is also an important material basis to support the construction of green buildings and new urbanization. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and the National Development and Reform Commission have issued a series of supporting policies, which will significantly increase the proportion of green building materials in engineering construction during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

What is green building material product

Green building materials products refer to building materials that can reduce the consumption of natural resources and reduce the impact on the ecological environment in the whole life cycle, and have the characteristics of "energy saving, emission reduction, safety, convenience and recycling". In order to vigorously develop green building materials, support building energy conservation, green building and new urbanization construction needs, and promote the transformation and upgrading of building materials industry, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly launched the green building materials evaluation and identification work. Logo ratings are divided into one, two and three stars from low to high.

The whole series of products of Zhengjin doors and Windows successfully passed the certification audit of China Building Materials Inspection and Certification Group Co., LTD., and won the three-star certification of "China Green building Materials Products", which is the highest level of "China green building Materials Products". Green building materials product certification is an important certificate related to the quality, quality and safety of building materials. The evaluation index covers a wide range and has strict requirements. In addition to the quality of the product itself, the scope of evaluation also involves the entire raw material supply, manufacturing process and transportation process, which needs to be in line with the direction of green development in terms of quality, energy consumption and development.


Eight advantages of green building materials certification

1. Bonus points for project bidding

Obtaining the green building materials label is a necessary condition for enterprises to participate in major projects, government investment, project bidding and entering the list of qualified suppliers of large Party A and so on. "China's green building materials products" are easier to get favor and choice.

2.authoritative certification market recognition is high

Can establish enterprise technology and quality brand, to provide confidence for customers and potential customers. It is an important means to show the concept of green development of enterprises, prove the strength of enterprises, scientific and technological level and product quality, reflect the corporate social and industrial responsibility and establish corporate brands.

3, the state and industry focus on promotion and support

Won the "China Green Building Materials Product" certification, the production and application of green building materials products related enterprises, in the annual inspection of enterprise qualification, enterprise qualification assessment to give priority or extra points. To provide credit support to enterprises related to the production and application of green building materials products; Priority will be given to the listing of enterprises producing green building materials. Preferential tax policies will be implemented for enterprises producing green building materials.

4. Enter the government green procurement list

The products of enterprises with green building materials logo are higher than those of traditional production enterprises in terms of scientific and technological content, quality and management level; It is easier to obtain the recognition of the industry and the whole society, and form differentiated bidding capabilities in bidding.

5. Break down green trade barriers
Effectively avoid green barriers to export trade; Green building materials certification will actively participate in the international mutual recognition work mechanism, provide authoritative evidence for China's building materials to the Belt and Road, to the world, can effectively avoid green barriers to export trade.

6, adapt to the green trend, improve the competitive advantage of enterprises
Adapt to the trend of green consumption, meet the requirements of market access, increase the market share, improve the competitive advantage of enterprises. In the peer can stand out, get more consumer choice and trust.

7, establish enterprise technology and quality brand
The green building materials logo can make the enterprise brand extra points, and be recognized by the country's highest administrative recognition unit; It is an important means to show the concept of green development of enterprises, prove the strength of enterprises, scientific and technological level and product quality, reflect the corporate society, industry responsibility and establish corporate brands.

8. Protect enterprise intellectual property rights
Protect the intellectual property rights of enterprises themselves and prevent counterfeiting and shoddy products. The service platform will comprehensively use big data technologies such as two-dimensional code, RFID, cloud computing, blockchain, and the Internet to provide traceable anti-counterfeiting technology for enterprises with green building materials product certification, as well as big data collection technology to provide strong support for enterprise market competition.

Zhengjin doors and Windows will continue to practice the concept of innovation, coordination, green, open development, in the exploration and development of more green products at the same time, in order to achieve the development of green building materials industry sector high-quality development, improve product quality, build corporate brand, set up industry benchmarks. Contribute to the field of green building materials, empower buildings, help green building materials enter thousands of households, lead green consumption, and contribute positive forces to promote ecological civilization.